Some Polishes May Have Been Provided for Previous Review
Hello my lovely readers. I am so heartbroken that I’ve been away from you for so long! I successfully finished the semester and I have just two more to go before I have my Bachelor’s Degree – I’m quite excited about that! Then I will go on to grad school but it will be such a sense of accomplishment to have that degree! I have also had a few health problems but I’m not letting them keep me down so let’s not dwell! I’m here now and I want to rock some cute nails!
Actually let me reword that last sentence..I didn’t let life keep me from rocking some cute nails. So I have some of my nail art looks that I was really happy with over the past several weeks that I wanted to share with you. I’ve reviewed most of these polishes before and you know I’ll link you up in case you missed it!
First I’m going to show you a lovely Pipe Dream Polish with some nail art stamping (Actually not stamping, it’s been a few weeks and I had a brain fart) – now this polish was actually on loan to me from a friend. I had never tried Pipe Dream Polish before but wowzers what a blue marvel this one was!

Stamped with Butter London – Dodgy Barnett
Pipe Dream Polish – Rhythm and Blues is a deep blue jelly filled to the brim with holographic glitters. They just sparkle like crazy! I decided to pair it with Butter London – Dodgy Barnett. I’m so sorry I reported that I stamped this mani. I think I’ve gone completely crazy – I did TRY to stamp this one but Dodgy Barnett was too sheer for that.
I ended up using for THIS mani Love, Angeline Nail Shields in the mermaid scale pattern. They work like a charm and are super easy! You can either just stick them on and trim to your nail OR you can use them as a mask (as I did here) and place them on your nail, paint over with the opposite color than the base, then while the polish is STILL WET remove carefully. It’s important to do this when the base color is completely dry and the color you paint over the nail shield is wet to assure best results.
Polishes used: Sally Hansen – Complete Care 4-in-1 Treatment; Pipe Dream Polish – Rhythm and Blues; Butter London – Dodgy Barnett; Carpe Noctem – Glitter Slayer; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl Topcoat
Next up I have a mani that I really adored! One of my favorites of the Alchemy Lacquer’s Spring Shimmer Crellies was the most unlikely since I’m usually a blue/teal/green girl and that was Nasturtium which I reviewed here. Some of the glitters in Nasturtium EXACTLY matched Aly’s Dream Polish – Spicy Sriracha which I reviewed here.

I first painted my middle, ring, and pinky fingers with Alchemy Lacquers – Nasturtium and then I painted the fore finger with Aly’s Dream Polish – Spicy Sriracha. I then stamped my “communication” finger with Spicy Sriracha using MoYou London plate Sailor – 04. I topped off the ring and pinky fingers with some cute little golden hex studs from Winstonia.
A word about MoYou London plates…AWESOMESAUCE. Is that word enough for you? I could go on and on. I’m hoping I’ll be able to acquire some more plates and really experiment with them and I assure you I’ll be sharing those results with you!
Polishes Used: Sally Hansen – Complete Care 4-in-1 Treatment; Alchemy Lacquers – Nasturtium; Aly’s Dream Polish – Spicy Sriracha; Digital Nails – Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That
Last but not least I have another nail art stamping look to show you! I know I’ve mentioned before that this polish is the most TARDIS blue polish I have even though it’s based on the Sherlock fandom. That’s ok I’m an equal opportunity fangirl so it works for me.

Stamped with Sally Hansen – Silver Sweep
This is A Study in Polish – Not Our Division which is just so great and I have reviewed it right here! I stamped with Sally Hansen – Silver Sweep using MoYou London plate Pro – 01. I got a little excited with the pressure on the stamping that’s why it looks more like an outline in places but I’m still trying to get really good at stamping and sometimes it’s not a total win. I still ADORED this mani and got so many compliments on it! I added a cute little Winstonia star stud (because, STARS) on my ring finger to finish off the whole look.
Polishes used: Sally Hansen – Complete Care 4-in-1 Treatment; A Study in Polish – Not Our Division; Digital Nails – Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That
There you have it some of the nail art I’ve been doing. I’ve done some plain manis too of course, I don’t keep anything on too long but I was really pleased with these. I do have some new swatches and reviews coming up and I have heard some whispers about the new Alchemy Lacquers summer line.
I’m going to include some stalker links for the brands I mentioned here:
A Study in Polish – Facebook, Store
Alchemy Lacquers – Facebook, Store, Instagram
Aly’s Dream Polish – Facebook, Store, Instagram
Love, Angeline – Facebook, Store, Instagram
MoYou London – Facebook, Store, Instagram
Pipe Dream Polish – Facebook, Store, Instagram